Standard Forms

Click on the Standard Form name in the table below to see additional information and download links. Note that these are not the forms I use with my clients; these are (typically) Word, Excel, and general PDF forms, and are presented here for convenience. 

(Note that this is a work in progress; there are dozens of forms in use, but I will link the most popular in my work shortly.)

  • Professional License Lookup

    LAPELS (Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board) has given its licensing information database a makeover. You can now search by a few more parameters but, more importantly, the resultant information will give you the year the license was first issued. This is a major boon for those of us prepping any manner of standard form, which just about always ask for the date a license was first issued. The lookup page is here; take a look to see what's listed for you.

    See this site for links to license lookups in other states.

  • Federal * Standard Form (SF) 255

    The Standard Form 255 is the "home system" (and my favorite of the forms); it's the form from which all other forms came. Extremely versatile, it more-or-less served as the base form for each regional variant until the DOTD started mucking around with the 24-102 back in 2002. Loads of PDFs and Word versions (not to mention some database software options) are available online. As with all my company's forms, I use my own custom InDesign version; however, here's several downloadables:

    SF255 (fillable PDF version) * (Word Version) * (Another Word Version)

  • Federal * Standard Form 330

    The ill-conceived replacement for the SF255, the 330 made its appearance in 2006 after being worked on for over a decade. It cemented my belief that the people who design standard forms never fill them out. Some trumped up history and background info can be found at this link.

    A fillable version can be downloaded from this link.

  • LA, Agency, DOTD * DOTD24-102 (rev 2011)

    The Louisiana DOTD updated their regular-use Standard Form 24-102 in November 2011. Appearance-wise, it's quite similar to the 2003 revision but there are many changes. The new form went into effect January 1, 2012. Note that the DOTD regularly posts addenda to filling out the form to their liking; add yourself to their mailing list to see the many trap doors this form now contains. 

    DOTD Form 24-102 (revised November 2011) * website link

    Sample Résumé Page, November 2011 Revision (PDF)

  • LA, Agency, New Orleans Aviation Board * NOAB S-03B

    In 2011, the New Orleans Aviation Board (NOAB) decided to replace the S-03A form into the S-03B form with very little change in content but a massive overhaul in terms of layout. The form can be downloaded (in Word) by clicking this link (direct download). Additional information can be found here.

  • LA, City, Covington * City of Covington Professional Services Form

    The City of Covington recently revamped a DOTD 24-102, modifying it to their own needs (thus you can take a DOTD 24-102 and modify it to match; I will post a Word version of the PSF when I find a good clean one).

    PDF Version of Form (note that this one is project-specific)

  • LA, Parish, Ascension * Ascension Parish APG-1001

    The Ascension Parish Professional Services Questionnaire (APG-1001) is basically a rebranded DOTD24-102 (2003 version). The APG-1001A is simply the Architectural version of the same form, with some alterations.

    The APG-1001A is the Architecture Services variant of the APG-1001.

    Site Link (various versions of the 1001, 1001A and instructions)

  • LA, Parish, Jefferson * Professional Services Questionnaire

    The Jefferson Parish Professional Services Questionnaire (JPPSQ) was last updated in January 2011. The form itself is not changed from the previous version (2006), but there are new requirements, including a large affidavit cluster and further requirements to state the maximum fee to be charged for the work in Question 10 of the form (similar to the 1998 version of the form -- it was Question 10 in that version; Jefferson Parish dropped the requirement in the 2006 revision). Note that the Statement of Maximum Fee comes & goes in the Parish's advertisements.

    The form itself can be downloaded via this link (direct Word file download) and now bears a revision date of 01-25-11

    Jefferson Parish SOQ Affidavit

    Perhaps in response to comments that costs were staggering for having 5 (or more) affidavits notarized for every submittal, especially when a company is a sub consultant and must prepare said affidavits for every requesting prime firm, Jefferson Parish updated its affidavit set to be a single, unified affidavit (that is, many elements but one signature/notarization page). This unified affidavit bears a revision date of February 27, 2014

    The Parish’s full page for Purchasing Department Forms can be viewed here.

    Note that I have set up a fillable PDF of the SOQ Affidavit; you can download it here

    A Note regarding Jefferson Parish Contributions

    Eula Lopez, Clerk of Court, has clarified the often-confusing Question 9f - Contributions made to elected officials of Jefferson Parish. Per Eula's message:

    You are only obligated to show contributions for the current term. All submittals would be obligated to show contributions for any of the [sitting] JP Councilmembers.

    Also note that, even if the council person has been in office for several terms, you are only obligated to show contributions for the most current term.

  • LA, Parish, St. John * SJB-1000 Form, Professional Engineering and Related Services

    St. John Parish has their own form, the SJB-1000, which itself is based on an older version of the DOTD’s 24-102 form. It bears a revision date of October 2010.

    The St. John Parish form can be downloaded in Word format here.